Mehrdad Rafiepour's Image
Mehrdad Rafiepour

 mehrdad.rafie.p (at) gmail


Career Timeline

  • 2013-2018
    The beginning

    Having achieved a placement within the esteemed top 3% of participants in the university entrance exam, I secured the opportunity to embark upon my collegiate journey in pursuit of my passion: Software Engineering!

  • 2014-2019
    Freelancing Career

    In my sophomore year, I started freelancing to fund my studies and save for grad school. Despite a slight dip in my GPA, I published numerous successful mobile applications in the national market. This freelancing journey lasted nearly five years until I enrolled in grad school.

  • 2015
    The Pivot

    Inspired by personal experiences and daily encounters with the less fortunate, I decided to pivot my efforts to a field where I could create equality of chances and social justice. I dedicated my bachelor's software project to people with visual impairments and developed Hamyar, a kiosk-like android application that helped Persian-speaking people with visual problems to use a smartphone.

  • 2019-2022
    The Grad School

    I started my Master of Science in Education at the University of Kashan and achieved a 4 out of 4 GPA. The focus of my research in grad school was Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Understanding.

  • Today!

    I have decided to pursue my education even further, focusing on the same subject as my Master's!

Mehrdad Rafiepour's Image

Mehrdad Rafiepour

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Email: mehrdad.rafie.p (at) gmail

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